4 Early Bed Beg Detection Methods & Tools To Stop An Infestation Before It Starts

Getting infested with bed bugs can be one of the most annoying, costly, and time consuming problems you can encounter. Therefore, early detection is one of the keys to minimizing the number of bed bugs of the infestation. Detection during these early stages when only a few bed bugs are present are critical to preventing a full blown infestation that can take much more money and time to eliminate. The following are four methods and tools to stop a bed bug infestation before it starts.

Visual Inspection

The first method to detect bed bugs early on is visual inspections. This is perhaps the most common early detection method because of its virtually zero cost. However, this method can take quite a long time due to the fact that you need to be thorough.

To do a proper visual inspection, you need to have a good flashlight. Look carefully at all tiny cracks, corners, and crevices that bed bugs can hide inside. Lifting up floorboards, checking under mattresses, and searching deep inside sofas are common locations for bed bugs. Although not 100% effective, a visual inspection can be a good start to preventing bed bugs.

Interception Devices

The next method to stave of a full-blown bed bug infestation is the use of interception devices. These devices are engineered to catch bed bugs as they move to and from their dwelling in beds and other crevices. They can trap the bed bugs either actively or passively.

Active interception devices use lures, such as heat, CO2, or chemical attractants, to compel the beg bug into the device. These devices are often placed near bed legs or near food sources.

Passive interception devices do not use lures and can be somewhat cheaper than their active counterparts. These devices allow bed bugs to climb on their exterior surface, which is textured. The unsuspecting bed bug then falls into the device and becomes trapped due to not being able to climb out because of the devices' smooth and slippery walls. You can even make your own passive interception device to save even more money.

Canine Scent Detection

Another method to kill bed bugs early on is use of canine scent detection. These services can vary greatly in quality, so it is vital that you do your research online or through acquaintances to identify effective companies. The canine scent detection program uses a trained dog to sniff out bed bugs. Although false detection or missed detection does occur, this method can be quite effective in finding bed bugs in the early stages. Because costs can run quite high for the method, you should use it with caution.

Mattress and Box Spring Encasements

The fourth method of detecting bed bugs early on in their infestation cycle has more of a preventative tone: use of mattress and box spring encasements. Because bed bugs can be buried deep inside a mattress or box spring where visual detection can be impossible, use of an encasement can prevent presence of beg bugs before they even start.

The bed bugs literally have no place to hide. The plastic encasement covers have a two-fold prevention method. They physically prevent your mattress from being infested and they restrict any bed bugs to the outside surface of the mattress, where their presence is much easier to visually see. In conclusion, getting bed bugs can be a devastating, irritating, and costly event.

If you use any of these four methods of early bed bug detection, you can many times better off. By using visual inspections, interception devices, canine scent detection, or mattress and box spring encasements, you can prevent or minimize a full-blown bed bug infestation. And perhaps save your sanity along the way as well. For more tips contact companies like Ace Walco & Sons Termite & Pest Control
